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Allowing what is to be is key to living a life of freedom, flow and joy. Allowing is the doorway to creativity, unconditional love, and the capacity to dwell in the indescribable peace of your true nature.
Allowing is not passive. It is not about being powerless or apathetic. It is not about tolerating, putting up with, or enduring what is. Nor is allowing about resisting what is, living embedded in the dream state of ideals, filled with resentment, anger, and regret, lost in an internal fantasy about the way you, he, she, they, or it "should be" while real life passes you by.
In opposition to allowing what is to be is the world of ideals --- this is the world that values the way things, circumstances, and people "Ought to be", "Should be". and "Should not be". It is a man-made world of beliefs, standards, rules, and measures. Though it is an effective and useful fiction to maintain control, accuracy, and repetition of mechanical manufacturing systems, safety and science protocols, as well as being required in the creation of all repeatable games, it does not exist in reality, in the world of living beings where everything from a person to a snowflake is unique.
When ideals and standards are applied to the world of living beings, its purpose is to minimize uniqueness in order to control others to act consistent with the game maker's intention. This is called, CONDITIONING, and its power comes from the constant offering of suggestions that promise rewards for certain behaviors, and threaten punishment for others. But it is a perversion, because human beings were designed to operate machines, not be one. Some of the larger games that attempt to manipulate and control people with ideals include: the Religion game, the Politics game, the Success game, and the Consumer game (getting you to want and buy what you don't need)]
Resisting what is results in being hypnotized by the illusion of dualities and polarities, and a world of tension, conflict and stress instantly arises. We then perceive the world as "a House divided" --- into good/bad, right/wrong, hot/cold, light/dark, ought-to be vs. shouldn't be, happy/sad, beautiful/ugly, in/out, safe/dangerous, win/lose, heaven/hell --- without ever noticing that all of these dualities are inventions of the human mind, They vary enormously depending on which group or culture you are in. Though millions of people have been murdered in large and small wars over the centuries in the defense of these "sacred truths", they exist only in the realm of thought. Each of them, including such seemingly "out there" phenomenon as hot/cold, are not opposites. They are judgments of interpretation along a gradual continuum of behavior unfolding moment to moment.
Resist what is, and it persists, and then keeps repeating itself. To resist what is immediately cuts off the experience of the flow and dance of life. This natural flow is replaced with a reactive survival game resulting from buying into the illusion of duality. The default game is a zero-sum game called, "gain vs. loss." It is organized in an attempt to acquire those things, ideals, people, feelings, thoughts, that one is attached and attracted to based on what is perceived will offer security and survival, and to avoid all of those things, people or circumstances that seem to threaten that. This is called "normal".
The problem is, resisting rather than allowing what is so to be is based on a lie about reality, and it doesn't work.
Do you do any of the following forms of resisting what is?
Resisting and judging others because they do not ascribe to your beliefs about the way things are, or they don't fit your ideals of the way they "should be," narrows your world, eliminates understanding what is actually so, and cuts off the possibility of communication, authentic connection, and love.
Resisting allowing the beliefs you have inherited from others to be what they are -- beliefs, rather than the truth-until you have experimented with them with an open mind and heart in your own direct experience---, keeps you stuck in ways of being and doing that are antithetical to your best interests in expressing your natural state of wholeness, love and joy.
Resisting and judging the arising of negative, limiting emotions such as guilt, shame, apathy, grief, fear, resentment, and anger in others and in yourself, guarantees that you will be stuck with them rather than allowing them to be.
If stuck, they end up getting dramatized unconsciously, since that stuck energy must be released one way or another. For example, addictive behavior - be it smoking, drinking, over and under eating, drugs, procrastination, hair pulling, nail biting, self-sabotage, etc. - is a compensatory avoidance of some thought, feeling, trauma, or belief that is not allowed to be fully present in awareness. Instead, it is resisted, suppressed, dramatized, and avoided with the addictive behavior. If that which is resisted is brought to conscious awareness, allowed and embraced, it dissolves, and the addictive behavior connected with it will lose its purpose for being and clear up. Allowing what is to be allows for it to dissolve.
Resisting the unfamiliar and unknown leads to the suppression of new possibilities of being, causing one to retreat into the world of the familiar and predictable for the illusion of safety and security. What is left is a life of stale reruns which work less and less with every passing year. This is a life where creating has died, and enduring life is the fundamental state of being.
Resisting the existence of physical death is very common, particularly in the U.S., where the very hint of death's shadow causes people to flee in panic into states of ignorance and denial. Until you accept, allow, and embrace death as a natural expression of the cycle of life, you can never fully embrace and savor the miracle of living, for you are too busy trying not to allow your body to do what it is designed to do. The big joke is that the fear of dying is very stressful, manifests in the body as dis-ease, and often results in a speeding up the aging and dying process.
Allowing what is to be dissolves the source of all suffering, enduring, and striving in our outer and inner world. Rather than expending energy on resisting what is, and investing all resources in the blame game, one allows what is to be -observes with clarity what is so - and embraces it, and finds that the possibility of innovative and effective action spontaneously arises in awareness.
Allowing what is to be is the vehicle for fully embracing and engaging the manifesting world with enthusiasm, power, and creativity in each moment. Joy, compassion, gratitude, reverence, grace, peace, love, flow, and oneness are words that attempt to capture that direct knowing that is beyond all words.
Allowing What Is to Be is finally realized as the gift that dissolves duality, as the gift of illumination, as the gift that takes us home to our true nature.
A Core Wisdom Quote
"Don't ever look for the Truth, | ||
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