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Intention: the power to focus the infinite life energy of creation and manifest what you intend as physical reality.
Not only do each of us have this ability to intend and manifest, but we are unconsciously intending and manifesting our reality all the time!
The majority of people believe that what happens to them is a function of "fate," effort and struggle, or that they are the victims of circumstances or chance; unaware of the extent to which their reality is an expression of unconscious, unexamined intentions they have taken on over the years through inherited beliefs and social conditioning.
Those who understand and have mastered the dynamics of intention are aware that they are the authors of their reality.
Intention is not a "wish" or a "want."
If you say, "I want...(fill in the blank"), you are saying that you LACK!
Want = Lack.
The more you want it, the more you are unconsciously intending and creating that what you want is out of your reach.
A "want" is creating the possibility of something in the future.
Since it is always NOW, the process of wanting is at cross purposes with true intention.
If intention is not a "wish" or a "want," what is it?
To understand it, one needs to be aware of the Four Universal Dimensions of Creation:
1. Origination: the Infinite Capacity to Create (called by such names as Spirit, God, Life Force, etc.).
We are all expressions of this capacity to create in human form.
2. Creation: This is the realm of Intention. It is the dimension in which I AM expresses itself in IMAGES and THOUGHTS
as fulfilled RIGHT NOW, prior to its manifestation in the World of Appearances.
3. Formation: The dimension in which intention expresses itself in the FEELING and ACTION of the intended created reality.
4. Manifestation: this is the World of Appearances, the dimension in which the intention fulfills itself in distance, time and
Intention expresses itself as images and thoughts, and then as feelings, actions, and "coincidences." Our view of who we are, what we can or cannot do, what we have or can't have, are the forms our intention takes. Whatever we identify with and focus on as "the Truth," consciously or unconsciously, is what gets realized in reality.
What we intend, whether we are aware of it or not, has a specific frequency or vibration. When we are expressing that frequency, we attract those people, circumstances, opportunities, and things in the universe which resonate with it.
Some of us are comfortable with our ability to manifest small things but don't believe that we can manifest big, unpredictable things. We may be very good at "intending" parking places, for instance, but balk at creating an extraordinary career or relationship. This is not a function of the limit of our intention, but is a function of the power of our beliefs. The unconscious belief, "I can't do that!" combined with other inherited unconscious limiting beliefs has stopped millions of people from expressing and manifesting the reality they yearn for.
Most of us are unconscious of our true nature as an expression of the Infinite Creative Spirit, and relate to ourselves as a limited, finite "me," unaware how much our intentions are determined by unconscious conditioning and beliefs.
When we become aware of the limiting beliefs and conditioning and dissolve them, our conscious intention is able to flow and manifest unimpeded.
I've observed that when people sign up for a Core Wisdom Course, it is not unusual for many of the things that they wrote down on their page of intentions for the course to "coincidentally" begin to happen without any new effort or struggle. Just by their intention to have their inner Core Wisdom be their compass and guide, they shift their frequency and start to attract what resonates with that frequency.
Nothing weird about it. It is the power of Passionate Commitment.
Whatever you may call it, it works.
The Experiment
I invite you to try an experiment in Intention this week. The only way you can fail at the experiment is by not doing it. You have nothing to lose except limited beliefs about your capacity to create..
It is an experiment in manifesting intentions.
Ready for the experiment?
Every morning this week, before you get involved with your to-do list, phone calls, etc., sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 10 to 15 minutes or more, and write down an intention you desire for your personal or professional life.
Make your intention specific and personal, not a vague general thought like "world peace." The natural state of the universe is harmony, balance, and abundance. Therefore, I recommend that you choose an intention that would be a contribution or new possibility for you and for others, rather than something that contributes to one at the expense of another.
Pick something that you are committed to being, doing or having that is not predictable. Pick some intention that currently seems beyond your reach to achieve. For your first experiment in intention, it may be best to avoid choosing something that you believe to be completely impossible, since that belief may get in your way. Your are learning to use your intention muscles. Build them up, the way one would first lift weights at a gym; starting with something that requires you to go beyond what is known, but not beginning by trying to bench-press 300 lbs. on your first attempt. The limit on what you intend is not with the size of the intention, however, since the "finite me" has nothing to do with the outcome. The only limit is the beliefs and doubts you identify with that conflict with the intention, and cause "mixed signals" to occur.. Once you have experienced the power of intention directly, and you have let go of your doubts, you will then be free to focus on what you had previously considered to be "impossible."
Phrase your intention in terms of what you intend rather than in terms of what you don't want. The mind operates in images. It does not compute the word, "No" or "not." If you play golf, and say to yourself, "don't hit the ball into the lake," what is the image you will get? The ball going into the lake! Instead , you would create an image of where you intend the ball to go, not where you don't want it to go (This is why chronic worriers are so good at manifesting what they fear. They are unconsciously creating the image and feeling of what they are worried about occurring all the time, and are tuned to that frequency!)
IMPORTANT: do NOT focus on the process of arriving at your intention, or on how it will happen. You do not know how to breath, walk, or beat your heart, either, and it all happens.
Your job is to focus on experiencing what you intend being fulfilled. How it happens is Spirit's job if you will trust it. FOCUS ONLY on the INTENDED END RESULT.
After you have written down your intention, close your eyes, take three deep, relaxed breaths, and allow yourself to let your body relax as best you can.
Allow yourself to slowly remove your attention from your body, your daily thoughts, or any of the normal distractions of the day, and allow yourself to be present to one irrefutable fact:
"I AM."
Allow yourself to be present to the most real and unchanging experience there is: I AM.
Let yourself float in this awareness for a few minutes.
If thoughts or feelings float by, just observe them, and return to being aware of what is unchanging --- I AM.
Then, without effort, allow yourself to create your experience of what you wrote down as your intention.
NOT in the future, but as a NOW reality.
FOCUS ONLY on the FULFILLED END RESULT (for instance, if your intention is be have a wonderful new home, do not focus on the process of looking at houses. Instead, experience yourself living in the home).
If your intention is to have an extraordinary loving relationship, don't focus on the process of finding someone, but experience yourself in that relationship NOW as fully as you can.
Remember, create your experience of the END RESULT.
Create the image of what it is like when your intention is realized.
SEE, SENSE, HEAR, AND FEEL what it is like to experience this reality as fulfilled (use whichever senses are natural for you to use to make it real for yourself).
THINK those thoughts.
FEEL the feelings and emotions your are experiencing with this intention realized.
SEE yourself and those around you ACTING from the intention being fulfilled.
Allow yourself to FULLY create the experience of your intention being fulfilled
At a certain point, you will experience a shift, a sense that "IT IS DONE!" (for those of you who love to cook, it is the same feeling you have when you know that the food is done, without checking the clock or even the oven. You just KNOW IT).
When this shift occurs, say whatever word or phrase you want to say to yourself to acknowledge the shift, KNOW that it is so, and open your eyes and go on about your day, knowing that the intention is unfolding itself toward manifestation in the visible world. During the week, stay open for "coincidences," conversations, opportunities, messages, events, etc. that may be expressions of this unfolding.
I can't promise you what will happen. The point is to do the experiment, and observe what happens for yourself. You might do a different intention each day, or the same one. Trust what feels right for you. Listen to your inner knowing on when ,"IT IS DONE!"
I invite you to write your intention down, and then create your experience of it being fulfilled with the same certainty as you have that you will eat breakfast, go to the bathroom, answer the phone, and other things that you know will happen.
This is the way to consciously develop the power of your intention.
During the day, read over the intention you've written down. Smile with the awareness that it has already been fulfilled. Observe if your logical mind wants to call it a fantasy because it cannot see any evidence in the world of appearances yet.
Be like the farmer who has planted the seeds of his harvest, knowing that they are growing below the surface of the visible world, and will soon bear fruit.
The farmer does not impatiently dig the seeds up to see how they are doing (questioning and doubting), he trusts the principles by which intention (your seeds) are manifested as reality.
I invite you to write to me at
I look forward to hearing from you regarding the results of your experiment!
-- Hal Isen
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 61 - April 7, 2006
Experiment in Intention Feedback
Here is a selection of comments and insights on intention and manifestation from readers of the article, "An Experiment in Intention."
1. Thank you for this most recent E-mail. Love having the steps written out. This was the process of having the beautiful home
we now live in. We're having abundance galore. ______ E. & K. V, Oakland, CA
2. Hal, I did the experiment from your newsletter. Every time I surf I imagine that I am catching waves, riding down the face and turning effortlessly. I am experiencing so much bliss and joy. Now my daughter ... is surfing. She sees me doing it so she knows that she can. Her brothers and Dad are ecstatic about this. ________ M.N., Hawaii
3. This is a very valuable document. I have an amusing story about one sentence in it that I thought you would enjoy. [ You wrote, ] "We may be very good at 'intending' parking places, for instance, but balk at creating an extraordinary career or relationship."
As you know, I have been trying to get my wife, Cheryl, to think this way for some time now, without always being terribly good at it myself.
A few days ago we were scheduled to meet with our tax man. I had looked over the situation of how much we had made, and therefore how much we probably owed. I had come to the conclusion that it would be between 3 and 8 thousand dollars. Cheryl, meanwhile, had been convincing herself that it would not be more than $1200 or so. I was worried that she was setting herself up for a disappointment, so I told her that it wouldn't matter if we owed a lot because we would manifest it. She got very annoyed with me and accused me of trying to shake her belief. We resolved it when she said she was simply not going to let me interfere with her imaging. I let it go at that.
As it turned out we ultimately got a refund of $3000. "There, you see," she said, "I was right. We got the exact opposite of what you said it would be." I had to admit that she had done very well in creating the reality that could make both of us happy, and me especially happy at having been wrong.
A couple of days later it turned out that the man I am about to form a partnership with was in town with his family, so Cheryl and I drove them around sight seeing. We came to the point where we were scheduled to go up in the Washington Monument. "Peter will find a parking space down there," she told our guests. He always does this. She repeated this four times. I came in on 14th street headed for the monument and saw no spaces. Then Joe said, "There's a parking garage over there." We had missed it, so I said we'd drive around the block and come back to the garage, and that way we would be assured of being on time. I drove down Constitution Avenue and turned right, while my wife said once more that I would find a parking space. There, three cars down and in the closest possible area to the monument was someone who was about to leave. As I waited for that to happen, a car pulled up behind me and I felt sorry that I was going to get the space and not him. At that point a man knocked at our window saying we should back up and we could have his space. But before we could do that, the other car drove out and I took that space, leaving the newly opening space for the car behind me. This may be an indication that we were both imaging a parking space and thus both got two on Sunday in spaces where you can park all day if you want to, so getting one at that time of day in that location was virtually impossible.
Joe was extremely impressed with this "miracle" and it made a favorable impression leading, I think, to subsequent conversation that went exactly the way I wanted it to. In a subsequent conversation with him a couple of days later, we essentially outlined the company I have been trying to get started all my life. Before I could call back to complete that conversation, though, I had a phone call from a friend who had started another company that would prove extremely compatible with the one I was trying to form. It looks as if we may link up the two companies for a much quicker startup.
So maybe there's a systemic link between finding parking spaces and founding billion dollar companies. At any event, I find it works a lot better now that Cheryl is in it with me. If she can help me find a parking space under those conditions, she can certainly guarantee the success of a billion dollar company! Just thought you'd enjoy all this._____Peter K., Washington, DC
4. Hal, What I noticed from this newsletter was that I have much more trust in my ability to create big
things--long term, career, organizations, big plans--and a little doubt about everyday creation. I
have a harder time creating parking spaces!
I also appreciate the reminder to trust and flow! Since my Core Wisdom work, I am much, much more able to do that. I still have occasional moments of fear when I am feeling around in the dark, and the next step in my life has not yet manifested in form. The trick is not identifying who I am with what I�m doing or not doing, but to keep Knowing that I Am and sourcing my life from there. It�s a very real daily practice. ________ A.W., traveling in Mexico
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 62 - April 15, 2006
Here is some inspiring feedback on the Experiment In Intention in CWOL issue # 61 from a reader who has lived with
symptoms of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) for many years
"I used your intention experiment on my atrial fibrillation. It worked like a jewel. I set a visual intention for a time for my heart to go out of atrial fibrillation and beat correctly again, and I beat my time by 1/2 hour. I usually have to get on a stationary bike and take my heart rate up for 15- 40
minutes to get it beating right again! Now I am doing a new intention, and in this one I am visualizing 21 moons and 21 suns until I get atrial fib [irregular heartbeat] again. I have been getting it lately every 14 days. ONE DAY AT A TIME! Thanks for the inspiration!" ____Terri G., Hawaii
(if you have any medical issues, it is recommended that you consult your licensed medical practitioner. Core Wisdom does not diagnose or treat medical conditions, and its exercises should not be considered a substitute for medical care)
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