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Dr. Hazel Parcells
Dr. Hazel Parcells was a remarkable healer. She became a "last-chance" destination for people that the medical community had determined were untreatable or inexplicable or both. Dr. Parcells welcomed all with open arms and understanding, for she was not flustered or intimidated by any doomsday prognosis by the so-called experts that "there is nothing that can be done." She herself had heard those exact same words spoken to her by doctors when she was forty-five years old, and was told that she should leave the hospital, and go home to die.
She went home, and instead of being taken over by fear, despair, or anger, and curling up in a fetal position on the bed waiting for her death sentence to fulfill itself, she began to ask herself questions. She liked to joke that it was her Irish roots that allowed her not to succumb to what the "authorities" said was true. She looked at her own experience of growing up on a ranch and a farm in the 1880's, and thought about what she observed in both plants and animals. She began to ask herself questions about the nature of reality, about what determined well-being or dis-ease, and she began to experiment with certain plants at a time when nutrition was a rare word, much less a course of study in college. Within the year, she had fully healed herself without drugs or medications of any kind. She began to discover that energy was the substrata of all matter, that all energy operated by universal laws, that harmony ---mental, emotional, physical and spiritual---was our natural state, and that knowing and operating from these universal laws we can return ourselves to well being.
Dr. Parcells had found her calling in life.
The Fields of Life
She went back to school and received degrees in Chiropractic and Naturopathy. She discovered through experimentation what the English scientist Faraday had realized through his experiments: that the shape, design and behavior of all matter is not a function of the specific elements themselves, but is a function of the FIELD of energy in which they arise. A FIELD is an energetic pattern or environment in which all forms of matter arise. There are many kinds of fields in the universe: gravitational, electrical, magnetic, environmental, mental, and emotional fields.
In the 1940's, Dr. Harold Saxon Burr, head of the Physiology Department at Yale University, discovered the existence of what he called "L-Fields" around the human body which determine the growth, shape and health of the physical body. Around the same time, Dr. Parcells discovered through constant and rigorous experimentation that the human body had at least three fields that effected physical well being. She was able to determine three optimum fields of well being at the chemical level (acid/alkaline balance), the physical energy level, and at the energy level that the science of Homeopathy calls the "vital force."
Dr. Parcells also discovered how to use radiesthesia to "read" the energy at these three levels in the body, and also in the individual organs. She discovered methods of removing pesticides, radiation, and other toxic chemicals from food so that it could be returned to its uncontaminated state before being put in our bodies.
If a field is healthy and balanced, the body will function in harmony and balance within that field. Alter the field, and the content of the field alters. If one only treats the symptoms of a condition, one can never get to the source of the problem, and no complete healing is possible. This flies in the face of the conventional wisdom we have been taught, which is to focus on treating symptoms. Even Louis Pasteur, whose theory that germs "caused" disease is still the accepted theory for the majority of the western medical community, said on his deathbed that he had been mistaken, and recanted his theory, saying the scientist Blackwell was correct when he postulated that it was the environment (field) in which germs were present that determined the volatility of the germs to the system, not the germs themselves.
Dr. Parcells used to say that she could not "cure" anybody. She said that "the only thing that can be cured are pickles." What she did do was to guide people to become aware of and alter the physical, mental or emotional environment in which the problem existed, and allow the wisdom of the mind/body to heal itself. When the field shifts, the content of the field shifts to be in resonance with that field, and a new, supportive balance is achieved.
Color and Healing
In 1950, Dr. Parcells met Dr. Francis J. Kolar at the Sierra States University where she was in charge of the Nutritional Department and headed their Research Department. Dr. Kolar had done research and experiments using color for healing in Vienna, Austria right after World War I. In his work, he found the importance of color to the life of everything. Dr. Parcells became Dr. Kolar's assistant for thirteen years, and assisted him in surgeries that were bloodless, with color as the only administered anesthetic.
Meeting the Doctor
I first met Dr. Parcells at a nutrition workshop that I co-sponsored with my friend, Peter Kline, in Washington, D.C. in the early 1970's. Dr. Parcells was in her early eighties at the time, yet her energy and her enthusiasm were that of a person half her age. The workshop had come about as a result of Peter's direct experience of Dr. Parcells's gifts as an agent for healing. Peter's wife, Nancy, had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the doctors had said, "there is nothing that can be done." However, Peter would not give up the search to find an alternative that might heal his wife, and through persistence and grace, he learned of Dr. Parcells. Peter immediately took his wife, Nancy, to see the Doctor at her office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The next few months was a time of intensive treatment for Nancy, months of cleansing and healing, followed by time spent incorporating Dr. Parcells principles into her daily life. The result? Nancy completely recovered (As I write this, over 36 years later, Nancy is in great health, and is a successful author and consultant living in England). Out of that remarkable demonstration of Dr. Parcells's healing principles in action, we invited her to Washington, and became her students in nutrition and energy.
The Doctor was always a woman who clearly "walked her talk." I recall spending a week of individual study with her in the early 1990's when she was 103 years old. She was still a ball of energy, and by four in the afternoon each day, when I was feeling I could retain no more, she was still going strong!
Dr. Parcells realized that ALL of the Universe is ENERGY IN MOTION. She knew that if those healing principles had worked for her, they would work for others. During the 61 years that followed her own return to well being , Dr. Parcells was a partner with thousands of patients in what most of them considered "miracles" of healing, but which the Doctor simply knew was what was possible when we know and follow universal principles and allow the body to go back into balance the way it is designed to be.
Dr. Parcells passed away in her bed about six months after her 106th birthday. She was a gift to thousands of us as both a healer and a teacher of well being (For an introduction to some of Dr. Parcells basic nutritional teachings, I invite you to read the book, "Live Better Longer," by Joseph Dispensza, which was written with Dr. Parcells during the last year of her life.It is available on www.amazon.com).
The Principle of Balance
One of Dr. Parcells's breakthroughs was becoming aware that a key principle by which the universe works is the principle of BALANCE.
Balance is dynamic, not static. It is always in motion, always shifting, since the body, emotions, thoughts and the world consist of energy in constant motion. Just as we stay in balance when we ride a bicycle by shifting our center of balance constantly in relationship with our forward motion and gravity, she realized that the body ---inwardly and outwardly---is always acting to be in balance with the forces that it interact with in every moment. Even the act of walking requires a constant shifting of energy to both counteract and take advantage of the force of gravity. The senior forces with which the organism acts to maintain balance are the Energy Fields in which it dwells.
How do Balance and stress relate? The term, "stress" is often held as a negative. Stress, however, is neutral, and it is our relationship with it, and whether we can create the appropriate balance with it that matters. Another term for "stress" might be "resistance." Without stress or resistance, there could be no music. For example, violin strings must be tightened with the correct amount of stress placed on them in order to be in tune. Too much stress on the strings and they break; too little or no stress on the strings and there is not enough tension or resistance on the strings for them to be playable. Violin strings need to be constantly retuned as environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, etc. can effect the amount of stress necessary to achieve the perfect balance at any given moment. It is the same with our bodies. There is a perfect balance of stress that allows us to "be in tune," and that balance is constantly shifting.
The field of gravity creates stress on the body every time we stand up or move. Is this negative? Of course not. When we exercise and lift weights, we are consciously using the stress of gravity to allow our muscles and bones to go into balance with that force by becoming stronger, larger and denser. If we remove the stress of gravity, our bodies would then go into balance with that condition, resulting in the gradual atrophy of our unused muscles (a condition that astronauts in a weightless environment are particularly susceptible to).
Dr. Parcells realized that what is called, "illness"or "dis-ease"---be it chronic or acute-- is the body's attempt to be in balance with the inner and outer field of force acting upon it. As Dr. M.T. Morter observed, "Your body wasn't designed to be healthy or sick--it was designed to survive." When balance is not achieved, the body is required to work harder and harder to attain balance, until there is a chronic chemical imbalance or mechanical breakdown in the body's ability to function, or it is simply worn out, overwhelmed, or breaks like a violin string stressed taut beyond its ability to resist.
The Energy Fields in which we are always engaged in the creative, dynamic "balancing act" of life include:
1. The Environment: gravity, heat, cold, pressure, weather, purity or toxicity of the air and water, toxicity in the soil, radiation, greenhouse gases, etc.
2. Nutrition: What do you put in your body's fuel tank? Does the food you eat provide the appropriate alkaline/acid balance, vitamins, and minerals that needed to sustain and maintain your biological systems? Is it natural or filled with artificial and toxic chemicals that create destabilization, degeneration and chemical imbalance in the organ systems and at the cellular levels? Do you use food as a futile substitute for unrelated emotional needs or as an enjoyable, delicious way of refueling the body's energy and keeping it in balance?
3. Physical movement and exercise: Anything unused breaks down. Same with the body. Use it or lose it!
4. Rest and Recreation: The Yin side of number 3's Yang. Balancing recovery and refilling of your physical, emotional and mental energy reserves with your being at work and in action, expending energy. Focused or intense mental, emotional or physical work requires the dominance of your sympathetic nervous system. It speeds up the heart beat, increases blood pressure, and closes down digestion. Digestion requires the parasympathetic system to dominate and be in play, and the survival mechanism to take a back seat. Relaxation predominates. These two systems balance each other. What do you think happens when you have an intense "working lunch" or you eat when you are upset? Do you think this might create a conflict or an imbalance in the body's systems? Is it possible that countries in Europe that close their workplace for an afternoon lunch break or siesta might know something?
5. Mental and Emotional Fields: The Conscious and Unconscious Beliefs, Thoughts, Generational Contracts, Traumas, and Emotional Patterns from the Past: This area has enormous consequences on the quality of life, what we can do or not do, and has direct impact on our mental, emotional, and physical well being.
Because this area acts from elements that cannot be directly seen physically, but only through their effects, it is easy to attribute its effects to other areas such as the environment, nutrition, the actions of others, etc. However, this area is often the source of the imbalance in the other four areas already mentioned. This is the area in which we can close down our innate core wisdom, and do things in our outer world that are counter to the creative principles by which our extraordinary Universe works. Unless this area is addressed, no true healing or balance can be achieved or maintained.
Dis-ease as an Attempt at Balance Based on Misperceptions
My own awareness and appreciation of the infinite dance of energy we call Universe continues to deepen and expand. It is clearer than ever to me that in addition to our environment, nutrition (or lack of it) and exercise, it is our thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, and ideas of who and what we are that ultimately shape what we call our physical reality.
When we live from the myth that we are limited, finite beings, and we allow beliefs, thoughts and memories from the past to be our guides in life rather than having our true nature be our compass and guide, we find ourselves in a chronic false sense of emergency. In this state, we are in a vicious cycle --- a constant state of "fight or flight" survival stress even though there is no real threat.
If there were a real emergency, such as a tiger walking into the room, then the energy being generated by the "fight or flight" response would be appropriate. The digestive system closes down, blood leaves the reasoning part of the brain to go to the extremities for action, etc. The body goes into balance with the situation. The energy is discharged in action, and when the emergency has passed, the body goes back into balance at rest, having used up the energy accurately.
If, however, we relate to the everyday demands of life as if they were threats to our security or survival --- be they a call from our boss, an argument with our spouse, a mysterious envelope we receive in the mail, the sound of the phone ringing in the middle of the night, a late night newscast on TV about some attack or threat on people in another part of the country, our reaction to a horror move, or a request to give a talk to a group of executives---then our mind and body will act as if there were a tiger attacking, and we will be sending all this energy into the body for action that has no real use and no place to go. The conditioned mind does not differentiate between a real or imagined threat to survival, so that even fantasies of violence or fear of not performing well in a future situation will trigger a survival reaction in our bodies in order to be in balance in the face of the imagined threat.
Inherited beliefs such as, "don't trust anyone or they'll hurt you" or "life is dangerous" or "love equals pain" are examples of fields of belief that drive one into a chronic "fight or flight" state. Worry, anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, mental or emotional stress at imagined events that have not happened but we are afraid might, and associating current people with memories of people and painful events in our past (he's like my father, mother, my ex, etc.) are all examples of this state. In the yoga tradition, they speak of this as living constantly as if a rope on the ground were a snake, and reacting consistent with that perception. It is living as if what is is what was. It is to live as if Now is Then.
The energy that's been released in an attempt to be in balance in the face of a non-existent threat has to go somewhere. When we are in this false sense of emergency, we create chemical imbalances by flooding our bodies with chemicals and secretions that cannot actually be utilized, or we use up the energy by behaving in ways that are inappropriate to what is happening now. We become overly concerned with security, survival, getting approval, attention, being non-disturbed, and not losing control.
These chemical imbalances and inappropriate behaviors---based on mis-perceptions where the present is confused with the past or with the merely imagined---are ways the mind/body is attempting to be in BALANCE based on inaccurate information that is being fed through the awareness. Do this long enough and it becomes chronic, and results in energy imbalances at the physical as well as the mental and emotional level.
Dissolve the Belief, Shift the Field, Transform the Believer
The good news is that when we become aware experientially of the beliefs, thoughts, and past energy patterns for what they are, and stop identifying with them, they dissolve, and we are left with the truth of what is. When this occurs, there is a fundamental shift in the mental/emotional field of Being, and the Infinite Being that we are immediately stops attempting to be in balance with misinformation, and goes into balance with its true nature of wholeness and harmony.
This shift of awareness at the mental and emotional levels can sometimes result in remarkable and spontaneous shifts in well being at the physical level, even in seemingly chronic conditions. I am continually in a state of wonder and awe at the way a transmutation in one's inner state of Being alters both the physical state of Being and the outer circumstances, and often instantaneously and dramatically. This is only difficult to comprehend if we are stuck in the illusion that our mental, emotional and physical realms are separate, rather than realizing them to be merely different expressions of the energy of our Beingness along a continuum from formlessness to more and more form (See the article Living Your Core Wisdom to read an example of this kind of rapid healing from a recent Core Wisdom participant).
Each of us has the opportunity to live from the Light within that is our natural state. Like Dr. Parcells, we can awaken from the mechanical conditioned fear-driven state to a state of wholeness and harmony where we are in balance with what is. This requires us to become aware of our true unlimited nature of Being, and dissolve the illusions of limitation. victimhood, and separation we were indoctrinated in from birth. .
Like Dr. Parcells, my role on this journey "home" is to be a guide for my students and clients. My calling is to point out the universal principles of Being that allow us to walk the Way of the Practical Mystic, open to the unfolding of our true nature, open to receiving our Core Wisdom. In that role, I allow those I guide and teach to also become my guides and my teachers, for each of them is an expression of the ONE Being that we are. Together we experience the energy that is the underlying foundation of all physical reality, and dissolve the mis-perceptions regarding what is.
When the mirage of myths, beliefs, and separation dissolves, what is left is what has always been present---our love, our joy and our creative nature, and the miracles that arise when the mind/body shifts to be in balance with the truth of Infinite Being.
-- Hal Isen
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 68 - Oct. 16, 2006
A Core Wisdom Quote
"Yesterday's memories color today's health."
"The 'NOW' you perceive consciously may not be the same 'NOW' your body is working with."
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