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I wish all of you a happy holiday season, and an extraordinary, creative, and joyous New Year!
To transmute this wish from words of salutation to reality, give yourself the greatest gift of all this season---the gift of living from your true, authentic Self.
When you are living in the presence of your natural state, your ARE creative, joyous, happy, and loving. You experience life as a Divine miracle; the flow of infinite, formless Awareness manifesting in finite form.
All enduring and striving drops away when you stop identifying yourself as the finite "doer," and experience yourself as an expression of infinite Being. Then effort, struggle and fear dissolve, and you are present to a deep, quiet inner peace where direct KNOWING guides your actions.
This way of living has been called by many names, including Christ-Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, and the Tao. Every great spiritual teacher has said that this is our natural state, and that if we would awaken, we could see that we already are that which we strive to attain.
We have been invited over and over again by those who have seen the truth to drop the lie that we are limited, finite body/minds and fall back into our own infinite Light.
"I and the Father are ONE."
"Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
Nothing to Add or Fix or Change
Living an extraordinary life of joy, love and creativity is not a function of adding something that you lack or attaining something from outside of your Self. The limiting and negative beliefs, decisions and judgments that we have unconsciously identified with are what deny us the direct experience of our true, authentic Self. To fully be our Self takes the commitment and courage to release our attachment to our False Self ---to die to who and what we have pretended to be.
You give yourself the gift of your Self by fully and completely releasing the conditioned limiting beliefs that we have all inherited as human beings. Your natural Beingness is not something that you need to attain; it is always and already present within you, waiting to shine forth in all its unleashed glory.
As Lao Tzu instructed:
"If you want to be full,
When you resonate with your true nature, so does the whole universe. The universe is always a mirror of our state of Consciousness. All sorts of "coincidences," synchronicities and possibilities arise in resonance with the level of Awareness that you are. The more you live from the Light of Awareness that you really are, the more you experience life as a magical, powerful flow in which being "in the zone" is a regular, rather than a rare, occurrence.
Each of you can make this wish a reality for yourself, regardless of your situation or circumstances. It is only our inner denial of our true, infinite creative Self and our misidentification of ourselves as a limited mind/body that is a barrier to the fulfillment of this wish. As Shakespeare put it in Julius Caesar:
"The Fault, dear Brutus, is not
From "Peace on Earth" to "Peace Within"
Tell the truth here to yourself. Does the familiar holiday greeting of "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men," appear as realistic, doable possibility or goal to you? For most, its fulfillment remains elusive at best ---a wishful salutation that seems impossible to fulfill on the basis of history and the present evidence of the senses. Listen to the news, read the paper, and it would seem that the world is not operating to fulfill that salutation. The problem is that we are looking for the solution to the fulfillment of "Peace on Earth" in the wrong direction--outwardly. "Peace on Earth" is not something that will happen outside of ourselves, but will only manifest in the outer world only when we have created "Peace Within."
The outer world is a mirror of our inner state of consciousness. "Peace on Earth" can't manifest if we are blind to the lack of peace within ourselves. Look honestly within: have you let go of all of your anger, rage, resentment, jealousy, lust, pride, fear, sadness, and negative inner talk regarding yourself, your family and your friends (not to mention your enemies!)? Have you released your need to control or dominate others, or get approval from others in order to feel secure within yourself? If not, what is the surprise that these same states seem to thrive in the world? Can we speak with power about the hate of others, and how it should be replaced with love, if we harbor hate (including self-hate) rather than love within ourselves?
I recommend that we revise the familiar salutation to be, "Peace Within, Good Will toward All." This is a statement that each of us can actually act on, influence and transform directly. When we turn within, and see our true nature, we are enveloped by the presence of the "Peace that passeth all understanding." When this occurs, it will have an immediate effect on those around us, and on the outer world that is the playing field for our Spirit.
We are all God playing human. When we remember, then we realize the truth of the words of the great poet and mystic, Rumi:
"The seeds of His love
All of us imagine
He is the only one singing.
-- Hal Isen
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 25 - Dec. 17, 2002
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