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Over the past two years, much of the focus of my work has been on learning, developing and incorporating some very powerful, rapid methods for dissolving mental, emotional, and physical issues at the energetic level. Why? Because, as both Mystics and Quantum Physicists agree, IT'S ALL ENERGY!
Whether we are referring to thoughts, emotions, beliefs, physical bodies, our world, or the billions of stars in the galaxies, it is all energy in constant motion. There are myriad, extraordinary expressions of the Source of All. It pulses within each of us, and is closer to us than our breath. All of our stories and dramas, all of our traumas, fears, resentments, sadness, guilt, shame, and angers are energy forms that have gotten stuck. When we resist energy in any form (denial, dramatization, repression, suppression, blame, identification, etc.) it persists and gets more solid in our lives. Then the natural flow of life slows down. Our true Light becomes obscured, and we delude ourselves into believing that these energy patterns are solid. Then life is limited to enduring them or striving to go beyond them.
What is particularly exciting about the rapid energy healing methods, is that they pierce down below the level of the critical mind with its web of thoughts, justifications, beliefs, conclusions, and decisions, and dissolve the limiting patterns of thought, feeling and behavior at their energetic root. The results are nothing short of miraculous and magical, as deeply ingrained and chronic problems dissolve rapidly and permanently.
The power, effectiveness and rapidity of these energy healing methods can best be illustrated in the following examples of three of my recent clients. Each of these clients had what they considered a chronic, "unsolvable" issue that they had tolerated since childhood, and which no amount of inner work or therapy that they had done over the years had been able to dissolve permanently. I used the same rapid energy healing method in all three cases. In each case, the chronic issue cleared up completely in ONE session.
Three examples of the power of energy healing (the names of the clients have been changed for confidentiality):
1. "I have lived with a sense of despair my whole life," Jane told me. This despair was always present in the background, waiting to pounce, no matter what else she was experiencing. Whenever she would have a happy or joyous event in her life, she knew that the next day she would experience overwhelming despair. She had tried many processes, techniques, therapies, and methods to deal with the despair, to no avail. So she learned to endure it, and "put on a happy face." She told me about this life-long issue during a Core Wisdom Mastery Class I was leading last year. At the end of the class day, I sat down with her and guided her using the energy technique while focusing on her issue. As she connected to the energy related to her issue, she had a powerful experience and insight regarding the origins of the despair. She realized that she had experienced her mother's despair while in the womb during the birth experience, and had taken it on as her own as a way of staying connected with her mother. As soon as she saw that the despair was not her own, but her mother's, the despair dissolved. It took less than 30 minutes of actual energy work for Jane to dissolve this life-long issue which had cast a shadow over her life.She was left with compassion and love for both her mother and herself. It has now been almost 18 months since Jane dissolved the despair, and it has never returned. She lives her life with an ongoing sense of joy and peace.
2. I saw Marilyn as a client two months ago. She could not shake an ongoing sense of feeling "separate" and disconnected from others. The problem had been there as far back as the age of two. While Marilyn suspected that the problem was a defense from ongoing abuse as a child that had persisted for years, she could not be sure. I guided her through the energy process on the issue. When I saw her a couple of weeks later, she was a new person. Gone was the sense of protectiveness and heaviness with which she had guarded herself. With bright, smiling eyes and a magical smile, Marilyn shared with me about the miraculous experience of going to a party (where she would normally hold back and act like an observer), and being fully present and engaged with people all evening. She said that she was fully present with everyone, and seemed to say exactly what contributed to that person she was talking to. She noticed that people were naturally drawn to her. She was totally open, joyful, listening to each and every person she was with. She had the experience of Love, not as an emotion, but as a Field of Being that surrounded her and others. The evening was joyful, effortless and flowing. Marilyn wants to master this energy healing methodology so that she can teach it to others.
3. George had an incident occur with his wife that left him feeling shocked, angry, incredulous and feeling betrayed. Seeing that he could not let go of it, he contacted me. I asked him to sit down and write out all the different emotions and feelings connected with the event. When he had completed that list, I tested him energetically to see what on the list was the primary emotion that was stuck. It was terror related to intimacy. Since it has been my experience over the years that most upsets are not about present situations, but are unconscious reminders of past traumas, I tested George energetically to see how far back the initiating incident went. Imagine my surprise when it kept going back beyond this lifetime until it stopped at seven lifetimes ago!
Then I asked George to do the energy healing technique on the problem. During the process, George spontaneously went through many images from this lifetime when he was a teenager, and then to much earlier images from the past. Then the images jumped to seven lifetimes ago in a different country, and went through a whole incident in great detail that he had never seen or thought of in this life. Afterwards, when we were debriefing, he shared that he saw how all the dynamics of what had happened only a few weeks before had been an unconscious rerun of this earlier event. George said that he was able to forgive and stop blaming himself and others, both in this lifetime and the earlier one. Blame was replaced by Compassion and Love. The bottom line was that the whole emotional issue cleared up, and George had a deep and clear understanding of what he had been reacting to. (Whether a person believes in past lives or not is always beside the point for me, since the mind can't tell the difference between a real and imagined experience anyway. What was important is that George pierced right through the veils, illuminated what the origin was in his mind (real or imagined), and the stuck feelings dissolved).
We can dissolve the blocks to our natural state, no matter how long they have been present, because IT IS ALL ENERGY. When we bring our awareness to a problem, energetically there is a TRANSMUTATION, a shift from a lower to a higher energy vibration, and the problem dissolves. With these powerful, rapid and effective tools for dissolving unwanted energy patterns of thought, emotions, beliefs, and physical disharmony, there is no longer any excuse for having to "suffer", tolerate, endure, or be a victim of these stuck energy patterns. You have at hand the principles and methods for releasing blocks to your natural flow immediately, at any time and any place!
-- Hal Isen
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 34 - Sep. 29, 2003
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