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This past week, I received an email from someone (I'll call her "Janice") who participated in the Core Wisdom 3-Day Course last year. Janice sends me a message every so often about how the wisdom principles continue to unfold powerfully in her life. I am always inspired by the way her words are a clear down-to-earth expression of a person who is living from the wisdom principles each day. With her permission, I share with you what she wrote to me in her last email:
I am continuing to work on what I learned in your class, and every day still continues to amaze me. I don't even think about it in terms of my work (it's personal to me), but the results keep showing up in my work.
I am having my best year in business this year (and worst, actually, when a big PG&E invoice went down in the flames of their bankruptcy filing one week before taxes were due on April 15. After a couple of hair-raising weeks, this turned out to provide me with the solution to my number one problem. I can remember you saying to be very clear about what it is that you want. I wanted a solution to my number one problem -- but next time I'll have to be more clear about what I don't want to have to go through to solve it! But now the end is in sight).
I just learned from a colleague that I am the only one she knows whose business has not slowed down this year. I have no doubt that your course is the reason why.
Way to go, Hal!
Within Janice's message, we can discover some wonderful insights about Resonance, and its expressions --- love, compassion, harmony and balance.
First of all, what is Resonance?
Resonance is the wisdom principle that is at the heart of both western and eastern mystic wisdom traditions. It is at the center principle of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and is at the heart center of the chakra energy system of yoga. Today, in both the ancient mystic tradition and in modern quantum physics, the universe is seen as a play of vibrating energy. To be in resonance is to be attuned to the vibrations of the world, of others, and ourselves.
While a still tuning fork will begin to vibrate when another tuning fork in the same key is struck and placed near it, we human beings can function in much the same way in response to others, our environment, and our own inner mental and emotional processes.
The principle of Resonance itself is neutral: it can work in both positive and negative energy directions. On the negative side, recall a time you were with someone who put out a very low energy vibration (they can be recognized by the reactive emotional states of apathy, fear, anger, regret, or resentment that they are in, and the way they complain about their life and engage in self-pity). If you went into sympathy with their energetic vibration (you dropped your vibration to match their frequency), you may have found that you were soon feeling drained and depressed yourself!
However, we also have the power to both generate and alter our physical, emotional, and mental vibrations. It is all energy in motion at different dimensions of expression. Who we are being shapes our thoughts and beliefs. Our thoughts shape our emotions and feelings and vice versa. Our thoughts and emotions influence our physical energy, glandular secretions, muscle tension, etc.
Our ability to alter our vibrations at all levels of our being becomes a great gift, not only for ourselves, but also for others whose lives we touch. When we vibrate at a powerful, life-affirming frequency, the principle of resonance has the power to awaken this same fundamental vibration in others, even if it has lain dormant and unexpressed for years. There are many examples of enlightened beings who vibrate at a powerful frequency of Unconditional Love, and spontaneously awaken that same state in those who are fortunate enough to be in their presence.
We naturally move toward organizing all aspects of ourselves to be in resonance, balance and harmony. When we know who we are, and are true to ourselves, our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical dimensions are in resonance, we feel a sense of wholeness and harmony. All aspects of our Self are in balance. We handle the ups and downs of life, because who we are doesn't go up and down, it remains centered within its true nature.
But what if we don't know who we are? Then who we believe we are will fill the gap, and that belief is usually inherited or a function a compensatory reaction to a traumatic, emotional past circumstance.
Then, we will attempt to achieve resonance, balance and harmony with whatever we believe ourselves to be. If we have a negative meta-view of ourselves and the world - what we call a "default life principle" in the Core Wisdom Course-we will unconsciously do whatever we need to do to have our inner and outer life conform and resonate to that view, even if that means having a life of struggle, fear, striving, and self-sabotage (what Thoreau called, a life of "quiet desperation"). Most suffering stems from a misidentification of our true nature.
Since we naturally move toward resonance, toward an attempt to achieve harmony and balance, the only way to achieve harmony with a negative life principle would be to have all aspects of our inner and outer life be congruent with it! Have you ever met someone who consistently sabotaged his or her own opportunities for fulfillment? Someone who had mastered the ability to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" over and over again? If our default organizing principle is some version of "I'm not good enough," or "life is hard," or "love equals pain" -- or any other principle that denies our true "I AM" nature and the creative flow of life-- we will strive to be in resonance with this lie, even if the cost to us is our health, our joy, our success, and our ability to love and be open to love. The biggest cost and irony is that this misplaced attempt at resonance puts us forever in dissonance with our true Self, and out of balance with our own emotions, physical body and the world.
When Janice first came to the Core Wisdom course a year ago, she was worried, concerned, struggling and stressed. For her, she was her history, her story, her fears, and her concerns. During the three days of the course, she recognized the default life principle she had unconsciously created. She realized that she had misidentified it as herself, and saw how it had organized her whole view of herself and her life. She let go of that default organizing principle, and from her inner wisdom, originated a life principle that resonated with her true nature. Then her mental, emotional and physical dimensions naturally began to reorganize themselves, and resonate with this new field of being. She was able to dissolve a fundamental emotional trauma that had controlled her for years. She had new access to her positive emotions, and new ways of looking at her circumstances from a transformed perspective.
When Janice writes, "I am continuing to work on what I learned in your class, and every day still continues to amaze me. I don't even think about it in terms of my work (it's personal to me), but the results keep showing up in my work," it is a clear expression of the balance and harmony that continues to unfold in her life (including her work) a year after her Core Wisdom course. Real concrete results occur at work for her without struggle or conscious effort, all in resonance with who she is now being.
How about her statement about being amazed every day? When we live consistent with our true nature, being amazed and in awe of life is natural for us. We live with a deep sense of gratitude, wonder and grace for the gift that life is at every moment.
"I just learned from a colleague that I am the only one she knows whose business has not slowed down this year�"
When we resonate with and live from our true nature, we then have the capacity to resonate with others in a powerful, authentic way that transcends the circumstances, including an agreed on economic "reality." Whoever Janice is now being has drawn people toward her with trust and affinity. Her old fears and struggles are no longer present in her energy field. Others now experience her as a resource for them to fulfill on their goals, objectives and dreams.
When we are present to our true nature, each of us has the capacity to know and relate to others in the deepest sense-beyond words, beyond all language, beyond history-from that place where compassion, understanding and love arise.
"I am having my best year in business this year (and worst, actually, when a big PG&E invoice went down in the flames of their bankruptcy filing one week before taxes were due on April 15. After a couple of hair-raising weeks, this turned out to provide me with the solution to my number one problem. I can remember you saying to be very clear about what it is that you want. I wanted a solution to my number one problem -- but next time I'll have to be clearer about what I don't want to have to go through to solve it! But now the end is in sight)."
I loved this paragraph of Janice's message! To be in resonance with the world doesn't require that everything go the way we expect it will or think that it "should" go.
Every wisdom tradition points out that being in resonance with the world begins with acceptance, and our ability to embrace what is. Then we are able to respond powerfully and creatively from our true nature to any situation. Janice's invoice "problem" turned out to be the solution to her number one problem, and it came in a form that was completely unexpected. By not resisting what was happening, but accepting and embracing it, Janice was able to see the gift within the problem. Another part of acceptance is the ability to look at the big picture and keep your sense of humor, as Janice has done so clearly in her communication.
I invite you to take this week to observe and appreciate where in your life, and in what ways, you are in resonance with your true Self. If you find that there are any places in your life that are out of balance or out of harmony, use one of the practices that you learned in the Core Wisdom course or Mastery Class to dissolve and correct the imbalance, and return yourself to full stress-free freedom and creative flow!
-- Hal Isen
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 7 - 2001 541-488-7687 |