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The more I've had the privilege to work with clients and students in the Core Wisdom classes, and in one-on-one LifeCoaching�, the clearer it becomes that the question, "Who Am I?" is both fundamental and sacred. Great spiritual teachers and mystics of different traditions, such as Ramana Maharshi, Sri Nisargadatta, Bhagavan Nityananda, Meister Eckhart, Jesus, Moses Cordovero, Dov Baer and the Ball Shem Tov, have all stressed the importance for each human being to consciously ask and answer this question for themselves.
On the first day of the Core Wisdom 3-Day Course, I ask participants what the most important question is that we can ask and answer for ourselves. There are a number of favorites that pop up regularly. Some of these include: What is my purpose in life? Why am I here? What do I want? What is my contribution?
Usually, "Who am I?" gets up there as well. And it is the most important, the most senior question we can ask. What makes "Who Am I?" the senior question?
All the other questions assume the existence of an already existing "I." Whatever "I" you think, believe and know yourself to be will organize your reality and determine the answers that can arise to all the other questions. In other words, the answers we are capable of receiving to the most important questions in our life is determined by what "I" is doing the asking!
What path we take, what possibilities we can and cannot see, what decisions and conclusions we have the capacity to make, are limited or expanded by whatever "I" gives our Field of Being.
"Who Am I?" asked with intention and deep yearning from a heart that is pen to receive the inner wisdom within, can lead us to being directly aware of our authentic essence beyond our inherited historical and psychological constructs---the I AM that is our "home." When this occurs, we directly know that we are no longer in the world, but that the world arises within us.
When we live from this knowing, we directly understand the statements of mystics, which before may have seemed strange and esoteric, such as, "I AM the LIGHT,"
and " I AM Awareness." We recognize them as attempts to give words to the direct experience of our true nature that transcends words and includes everyone and everything. Then we know by experience that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual worlds are all part of one continuous continuum of Spirit's expression. We realize Love, Grace and Compassion as natural expressions of our Self, as natural as breathing. Then we know "the peace that passes all understanding" directly.
Without the direct knowing of our true nature, our DNA of Being, all of our experiences of others, the world, and ourselves will be shaped solely by the conditioning myths of separateness and identity that we have inherited. When this is so, our experience of life alternates between enduring and striving, with moments of true creating thrown in from time to time. Without coming home to the presence of our essential nature, life tends devolve into an ongoing exercise in self-improvement rather than an unfolding of our Self-expression.
This is why in Core Wisdom we emphasize the importance of directly knowing the Source of your life---your originating Life Principle�--- and being the author of the organizing Life Principle that is your idiosyncratic expression in the world. Just as St. Francis of Assisi released himself from being his history and reorganized every dimension of his being within, "O Lord, let me be an instrument of your peace," each of us is an expression of Spirit, and each of us has a frequency that resonates at a particular vibration attuned to our true purpose for being here. We have a specific gift of Being to contribute to others and the world. We can open our inner doorway to experiencing directly what it is.
The daily practices of "Creating the Day," and "Die to the Day," that you learn in the Core Wisdom course, are designed to deepen that connection in every moment and dimension of your life. Clients and students who have made these practices a regular part of their daily life, have observed remarkable depth in their ability to live from authorship, deal effectively with the circumstances, challenges and lessons that arise, and express joy, love, and gratitude for the gift and miracle of life.
It all begins with passionately and authentically answering the question, "Who Am I?" and returning "home."
-- Hal Isen
From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 2 - January 5, 2001 541-488-7687 |