Being Present to What You ARE

(You already are and have always been that which you seek. To cut through the illusions that hide the direct knowing of the Truth, STOP and wholeheartedly engage in the following experiential inquiry! ----Hal)

Stop right here!
Don't think more - it is quite enough.
Don't say more - it is quite enough.
Don't strive more - it is quite enough.
Now, don't touch any idea of moving forward,
Simply rest as This, as it is,
Without That, as it could be.
Now drop the idea of being This.

                -- Anon

From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 98 - July 17, 2009

� 2009 Hal Isen & Associates, Inc.


Hal Isen & Associates, Inc.

[email protected]

Ashland, OR 97520