Surrendering To What IS

(The principle of "surrender" as used in the Wisdom traditions of the East is quite distinct from the popular Western interpretation of the word, which often is understood to mean quitting, failing, giving up, losing, overcome, and defeated. In Eastern traditions, the word "surrender" represents the ability to open oneself up completely to what is, to embrace the present moment in all of its expressions and dimensions. Surrender is a form of ALLOWING --- it is the intentional act of fully allowing each moment of creation to unfold itself without fear, attachment or avoidance. Surrender is the ability to release the conditioned mind's constant fear-based attempts to control, contain, and dominate life, and to instead allow one's natural state of flow, creation, joy, and unfolding to guide and fulfill life. To surrender is to recognize and embrace all forms and manifestations of the universe -- including what is called "me" or "I" -- as expressions of the Divine Source of ALL. ----Hal)

It doesn't
How it
Turns out

To the rest
Of your life

Fall into it
And be free

                -- Tom Bowlin

From Core Wisdom On-Line Number 100 - July 31, 2009

� 2009 Hal Isen & Associates, Inc.


Hal Isen & Associates, Inc.

[email protected]

Ashland, OR 97520